Why not take a part-time job as a bartender? Some patrons spend hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars on entertaining themselves and their friends.
Since purchasing alcohol from a tavern or other venue is generally somewhat expensive, people expect to get quality. When actually mixing the cocktail, there are several key tips to keep in mind. It is really hard on a person when they think they have it all figured out, as far as what their job requirements would be with a job, then once they begin, they realize they really had no idea what all their job would actually require of them, it can really be a let down when that happens.
If you are on the bar blowing your whistle, I guarantee people will turn and look at you. You gotta move quickly if you want to be a great bartender. Flair bartenders worldwide will tell you that flair brings about large crowds.
So, be quick with your hands and smooth on your feet, to keep those customers happy and satisfied. These types of drinks are popular and are one of the essential tools of a good bartender.